We finally took a little day trip up to Jackson to visit Old House Depot that Mallorie’s been telling us about forever.

And it. Was. Awesome.

We went with the intent to locate a craftsman style exterior door, 36″ x 84″, for a reasonable price. Something just like this:

Then… We found it.

It’s in VERY rough shape, but you know we’re crafty so that’s okay. The nice gentlemen working this afternoon gave us a very fair price, and away we went feeling very proud of our penny-pinched purchase.

The only remaining pane of glass broke on the way home, along with its fancy American flag sticker. If you wanna make an omelet, you’ve got to break some eggs.

So we brought it to my parents and began stripping the many many many layers of what was probably lead-based paint. This was the stopping point for tonight, but mark my words… It’s going to be gorgeous when we’re through with it.

I’m hoping it will be stainable once all that filth and paint is gone, but if not we’ll be painting it creamy white. Stay tuned!
