Nothing more awkward than finding out your dating your wife's murderer. That's what you get for investigating your own wife's death while also dating the ex of your prime suspect. 

I already ranted on the SVU thread about how annoying I think it is when shows crossover with their spins off too much and expect us all to watch all the shows to follow along to the point where its hard to follow the show you actually watch. I have no idea why Olivia is around all of the time other than blatant fanservice, isn't she a captain? Doesn't she have her own stuff going on? I can see her showing up to give Stabler some support, despite him ghosting her for a decade and only getting in touch now, but her investigating cases with him, which are coincidently tangentially connected to whatever she has going on in SVU, is just annoying. What a pain, especially for people who only watch one show. 

Not surprised that Angela might be behind Kathy's death, I have always guessed that she was more connected with her ex's business then she has let on, and they are clearly still attracted to each other and are certainly not as estranged as she had made them out to be. Angela and Stabler have chemistry, but I do raise an eyebrow at him being open to date so soon after Kathy died. It cant have been that long, a few months I think if we started the show right when the vaccines were made but before they were open to the masses, and we know we are about caught up to now thanks to the convenient timeline news report, so its only been a few months. Stabler is still clearly hurting, so him dating anyone is a bad idea, even if it wasn't the ex of a crime lord. It feels weird, it feels like Kathy just died and Stabler is already moving on. 

What was the point of the subplot with Bell's nephew exactly? Not only was it pointless, unless they want to keep coming back to it again (and god knows this franchise needs more family stuff) as a reoccurring subplot, it was so on the nose ridiculous with the tragedy and foreshadowing. "Oh hello, I sure do love playing the guitar with these fully working hands of mine, I am so good with this guitar, that I play with my hands of which I have right here and oh look a news report involving an infamous crime of police brutality, but nothing could ever stop me from playing this guitar with these hands OH NO MY HANDS THE TERRIBLE IRONY!" What a waste of Garland. 

I really like Gina. 

Edited May 16, 2021 by tennisgurl
