I laughed out loud when, at the last minute and just before they went in to see the Kansas City mob boss, Buddy goes "oh, by the way, he's always thought I fucked his wife." LOL. (But it's a little too convenient that Buddy just happens to have the exact connection the Byrdes need at that particular moment).
I also chuckled a little when Wendy told the senator she was extorting "you have my word" -- and the woman is like "I'm supposed to trust you? You're disgusting." Good point, Senator!
Rachel, you colossal moron. She seriously stole all that money and decided to waste her new life by buying drugs and getting caught on a DUI? Did we even know she had a drug problem?
I still really don't like Petty, though I was happy to see Evans again. Another funny moment for me -- when Petty's supervisor told him "do better than you've been doing." At least someone acknowledges he's a fuck-up.
Are we stuck with the Snells for the rest of the show? They annoy me so much. I'm not really enjoying Ruth's daddy as a character, either.